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我們是 Reemit Limited(下稱為「我們」、「本公司」或 “ARBATA”),且我們擁有及經營網站 (下稱為「本網站」 )。我們的網站透過互聯網(包括透過使用應用程式)提供線上購物模式,並提供一站式送貨服務(「服務」)。我們重視閣下的私隱權,並竭力維護閣下個人資料得到保密。此私隱政策適用於我們提供的所有產品及服務,說明我們可如何收集、使用及披露閣下的個人資料。本私隱政策受《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)(以下簡稱「私隱條例」)規管並奉行其有關規定。



















(i) 姓名;

(ii) 聯絡詳情,包括聯絡人姓名及電話號碼,或電郵地址、送貨地址。


(i) 性別;

(ii) 飲食喜好及生活習慣

(iii) 其他有關並已使用的產品及服務。


(i) 瀏覽器類型及版別;

(ii) 操作系統;及

(iii) 互聯網規程(IP)地址及/或網域名稱。



除非取得你的書面同意,我們/本公司不會為得益而以你的個人資料及聯絡資料進行交易。  我們/本公司收集及持有關於你的個人資料均會被保密處理;但若需要按法例的規定或要求而履行法律責任,或為你提供服務,或執行收集個人資料的原來目的或直接有關之目的,本公司有可能會向下述人士披露該等資料(不論其身處香港或香港境外):
































本私隱政策聲明只適用於本公司網頁。我們網頁可能載有通往其他網址及網頁的連線點。 每當閣下啟動任何此等連線網址,例如點選任何廣告客戶的連線欄目,閣下即已離開了我們的網址;而閣下在離開我們網址後向任何其他團體提供的任何個人資料或任何其他資料,一概不在本公司的管控範圍內。閣下須承擔一切瀏覽或使用其他網址的風險。









Privacy Policy

We are Reemit Limited (collectively referred to as “we”, “the company” or “ARBATA”) and we own and operate the site (collectively referred to as “our site”). Our site offers a convenient way to shop online over the Internet, including by using our applications, and also provides one-stop home delivery services (referred to as “services”). We recognize the importance of your privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to all products and services provided by us and sets out how we may collect, use and disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy is governed by and observes the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) (the “Ordinance”).

Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Data

You need not supply any personal data in order to access the company’s website. When you participate in, access or sign up to any of the services, personal data is collected from you to enable us to provide you with the services. You may decline to provide us with the requested personal data, but in such case we may not be able to provide the services to you. By submitting your personal data, you consent to the use of that data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement.


Personal data collected from you may be used by the company for:

Providing you with the related services;

Verifying your account identity;

Handling your order(s) and payment instructions, or collecting outstanding bills or other instructions;

Analyzing, verifying, and/or conducting credit checks, payment details and/ or conditions, so as to provide you with the related services;

Designing services for you;

Providing you with customer service;

Conducting marketing research, statistics analysis, and behavior analysis;


Making disclosures when required by applicable laws, rules and regulations;

Direct marketing of the products and services of the company and its business partners.

Types of Personal Data Collected

For the purpose of carrying on the company’s business, including registration and administration of the company’s website and related products and services (including relevant online services), you may be requested to provide personal data such as, but not limited to, the following, without which it may not be possible to satisfy your request:

Your name;

Contact details, including contact name and telephone number or email address, delivery address.

In some instances, you may also be requested to provide certain data that may be used to further improve our products and services and/or better tailor the type of information presented to you. In most cases, this type of data is optional although, where the requested service is a personalized service, or provision of a product is dependent on your providing all requested data, failure to provide the requested data may prevent us from providing the service to you. This type of data includes, but is not limited to:


Dietary preferences and lifestyles;

Other related products and services subscribed to.

The company’s web servers may also collect data relating to your online session, the use of which is to provide aggregated, anonymous, statistical information on the server’s usage so that we may better meet the demands and expectations of visitors to our sites. This type of data may include, but is not limited to:

The browser type and version;

Operating system; and

The IP address and/or domain name.

Confidentiality, Disclosure and Security of Personal Data

The Company does not trade your personal information and contact information for gain without your written consent. All personal data collected and held by the Company will be kept confidential, but where disclosure is necessary for the Company to comply with any statutory obligations or requirements, or for the Company to provide the Services to you or to carry out the original purpose, or a directly related purpose, for which the personal data were collected, those data may be provided to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong):

Competent court of law, law enforcement agencies, or other governmental or statutory authorities, institutions or organisations;

Company’s associated companies, contractors, agents, sellers or suppliers of the goods/services, or other service operators, who are involved in the sale and marketing, administration or provision of the Services;

Any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company including a member of its group of companies, IT consultants, data processors, auditors, accountants, or lawyers, which has undertaken to keep such information confidential; and

Banks, financial institutions, credit card issuing companies or debt collection agencies.

Any questions, comments, suggestions or information other than personal data sent or posted to our website, or any part of the site by you will be considered as voluntarily provided to the Company on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis. We reserve the right to use, reproduce, disclose, transmit, publish and/or post elsewhere such information freely, including passing it to any associated company for example, in connection with the development and marketing of services and to meet user needs.

All reasonable efforts are made to ensure that any personal data held by the Company is stored in a secure and safe place.

All personal data which we collect is kept confidential to the best of our ability. You will appreciate however, that we cannot guarantee the security of transmission.

Retention of Personal Data

In your dealings with us, we retain records of your online transactions for auditing purposes. Our general policy is to retain the information for a reasonable period. We do not offer online facilities for you to delete personal data held by us.


Direct marketing

The Company intends to use the personal data collected from you in direct marketing communications and the Company requires your consent for that purpose. After receiving your consent, you may receive from us or from our affiliated companies telephone calls, email and direct mailings containing promotional materials from time to time. We mainly communicate with you through email, if you wish to unsubscribe the direct marketing communications, you can find and click on the unsubscribe link in each of the promotional email, and we will opt you out from the mailing listing without any cost. Alternatively, you can reach our customer service by mailing us at for un-subscription.


Access to and correction of information

If you want to access and/or correct your personally identifiable information which you have given us via internet, you may write to us via:



Use of Cookies


A cookie is a small text file which is placed onto your computer (or other electronic device) when you access the Company’s website. We use cookies on our website to:

recognise you whenever you visit this website

obtain information about your preferences, viewing and browsing behavior, online movements and use of the Internet

keep track of the items stored in your shopping basket and take you through the checkout process

carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve our Services and to help us better understand our visitor and customer requirements and interests

target our marketing and advertising campaigns and those of our business partners and advertisers more effectively by providing interest-based advertisements that are personalised to your interests

make your online experience more efficient and enjoyable

enable tighter security

The information we obtain from our use of cookies may not contain your personal data. Although we may obtain information about your computer or other electronic device such as IP address, browser settings, browsing records, and/or other Internet log information, this may not be able to identity you personally. To the extent that non-personal data is combined with personal data, we treat the combined data as personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy Statement. In certain circumstances we may collect personal data about you, but only where you voluntarily provide it by completing an online form, or where you purchase goods from our website or use the Services.

If you want to disallow the use of cookies, you can do so on your own web browser. If you disable cookies, you acknowledge that you may not be able to use some of the functionality of our website.



Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to Our website may contain links to other sites and pages. By activating a link, for example by clicking on the banner of an advertiser, you leave our website and the company does not exercise control over any personal data or any other information you give to any other entity after you have left our website. Access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk.


Data Access & Correction

If you have any query in relation to the Hocha’s privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us, you may contact us via:



Amending Privacy Policy Statement

Our Privacy Policy Statement may be amended from time to time without prior notice, and it will be published on our site. You are advised to check it on a regular basis in order to obtain the latest version.



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